Visit the Center for Ecoliteracy to download or learn more about its resources, including:
Rethinking School Lunch Guide
Based on more than a decade's work with school systems, this guide offers a 10-point planning framework for improving school food, supporting sustainable food systems, and teaching and integrating curriculum around food issues.
Cooking with California Food in K-12 Schools
An acclaimed cookbook and professional development guide, with recipes scaled for 50 and 100 servings and nutritional analysis keyed to USDA guidelines.
Big Ideas: Linking Food, Culture, Health, and the Environment
A conceptual framework for integrated learning based on food and food production.
School-Community Kitchens
A paper that describes the origins of school-community kitchens, illustrates their potential, and presents examples of the variety of community kitchens nationwide.
Rethinking School Lunch Model Wellness Policy Guide
A Model Wellness Policy Guide to help educators, parents, and community members review, revise, and update their local policy.
Are California Kids Eating California Food?
A report that reveals that the bounty of California agriculture is immense, but that many leading California crops are not reaching the state's students.
Los Angeles Unified School District: A New System for Purchasing Food for School Meals
A report on a radical redesign of school food procurement to improve meals while saving money and supporting regional agriculture.
Food, Inc. Discussion Guide
A guide to the Academy Award nominee Food, Inc.
Visit the Edible Schoolyard Project to access its online resource center, where you can download best practices, share tips, and view the interactive map of edible education programs around the world.
The Edible Schoolyard Project offers:
Ten Years of Education at the Edible Schoolyard for program coordinators, community members, and others interested in creating programs like the Edible Schoolyard.
Making Mathematics Delicious
for middle school math teachers; offers rigorous hands-on math lessons tied to standards in the context of the kitchen and garden.
What You Need to Know about School Lunch, for policymakers, educators, and parents; provides strategies for how to change school lunch in their communities.